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Threads 161 to 180 of 283


Here you will find all you need to study or teach the Japanese language.

Threads in this forum
  1. Kanji de Manga, Volume 3: The Comic Book That Teaches You How To Read And Write Japanese!

    Started by deutsch3000, 06-13-2013 09:09 PM
    book, books, code, common, english, grade, guide, hey, how to, japanese, kanji, learn, manga, pro, pronunciation, read, rip, stroke, studen, students, teach, time, volume, work, write

    These books use original comic artwork to teach readers how to identify and write the most common Japanese kanji ideographs. Volume 2 introduces 80...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,496
  2. Kanji de Manga, Volume 4: The Comic Book That Teaches You How To Read And Write Japanese!

    Started by deutsch3000, 06-13-2013 06:57 PM
    book, characters, code, comic, common, english, everyday, familiar, friendly, fun, help, how to, japanese, kanji, learn, manga, popular, pro, read, series, speaking, studen, students, volume, write

    The popular Kanji de Manga series continues with an all-new selection of 80 kanji geared toward English-speaking manga fans who want to learn how to...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,570
  3. Kanji de Manga, Volume 5: The Comic Book That Teaches You How To Read And Write Japanese!

    Started by deutsch3000, 06-10-2013 12:02 PM
    advanced, book, code, comic, how to, intermediate, japanese, kanji, language, learners, manga, official, prepare, proficiency, read, series, studen, students, test, the language, the official, total, volume, volumes, write

    The lllustrated Kanji de Manga series continues with an all-new selection of 80 kanji geared toward intermediate learners of the language. Upon...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,522
  4. Kanji de Manga, Volume 6: The Comic Book That Teaches You How To Read And Write Japanese!

    Started by deutsch3000, 06-09-2013 03:17 PM
    book, characters, code, comic, common, easy, easy way, everyday, familiar, fun, funny, how to, japanese, kanji, learn, learn japanese, make, manga, read, remember, series, studen, students, volume, write

    The fun, easy way to learn Japanese! The sixth volume in the award-winning Kanji de Manga series offers students 80 more kanji characters to explore...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,667
  5. 1001 Expression pour Tout Dire en Japonais

    Started by Kah, 06-03-2013 01:25 PM
    100, 1001, approche, avec, cinq, clés, code, des, expression, expressions, exprimer, grâce, images, mots, par, person, pour, premier, son, tour, tout, verbales, verbes

    Destiné en premier lieu aux lycéens, cet ouvrage, grâce à son approche structurée, sera également un outil précieux pour toute personne désirant...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,367
  6. Le Japonais pour les Nuls (book only)

    Started by Kah, 06-01-2013 10:38 AM
    amazon, apprendre, bien, bon, book, car, code, des, emploi, est, expressions, images, langue, les, only), pas, plaisir, pour, vos, votre, vous

    Si vous souhaitez apprendre le japonais, quelles que soient vos motivations, Le japonais pour les Nuls peut vous aider, car c'est l'outil idéal pour...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,395
  7. Winston T. Mouse (Japanese - English)

    Started by Kah, 05-15-2013 10:32 AM
    attitude, code, english, english), figures, happy, japanese, join, life, makes, mice, park, reality, snow, stories, understand, wins, winston

    Winston T. Mouse writes stories and tries to understand what makes other mice happy. He figures out that a happy life comes from a happy attitude,...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,433
  8. Kanji ABC: Eine Einführung in die sinojapanischen Schriftzeichen

    Started by deutsch3000, 04-29-2013 02:28 PM
    abc, als, ann, aus, code, das, den, der, die, ein, eine, einführung, erste, führt, für, kanji, nach, nachschlagen, pdf, teil, und, unterricht, von

    Kanji ABC erklärt die 1.945 sogenannten Joyo Kanji, die von der japanischen Regierung für den normalen Gebrauch empfohlen wurden. Der erste Teil...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,287
  9. Post Rosetta Stone v.3.4.5 Japanese level 1-3

    Started by miaow, 03-14-2013 12:04 AM
    (british), 100, british, code, english, fun, immersion, japanese, language, learning, life, making, multiple, patterns, practical, program, rosetta, rosetta stone, simple, stone, teach, tech, the language, writing, writing a

    Rosetta Stone - the best program for learning the language at home. This technique allows you to teach you how in his childhood began to teach their...

    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 4,090
  10. Fast-Track Japanese (audio only)

    Started by Kah, 04-17-2013 09:31 PM
    audio, book, code, common, communicate, day, easy, eating, experience, fast, fun, grammar, japanese, languages, learn, minutes, programme, simple, situations, speaking, teaching, understand, vocabulary, words, write

    Follow this course for 45 minutes a day and in six weeks you'll be speaking Japanese! Elisabeth Smith has used her wide teaching experience to...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,284
  11. Read Real Japanese - All You Need to Enjoy Eight Contemporary Writers

    Started by Kah, 04-16-2013 07:15 AM
    adapted, authors, code, con, contemporary, difficult, english, in english, japanese, live, moments, read, real, stories, story, translation, writer, writers, written

    Eight unadapted stories written by Japanese authors on the "live" Japanese. Each story is provided with detailed commentary and translation of the...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,535
  12. Cool "The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Conversational Japanese"

    Started by Academy Girl, 10-25-2009 08:38 PM
    2002, color, complete, data, guide, guide to, japanese, pdf, the complete

    Reuploaded on 2/12/2012 by DE The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Conversational Japanese Beginner’s guide to conversational Japanese. This is a...

    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 5,412
  13. Writing E-mails in Japanese

    Started by Kah, 03-19-2013 01:47 PM
    acts, book, code, glossary, in japanese, japanese, reader, styles, tom, writing

    This book goes through the format of many styles of writing emails in Japanese but also acts as a reader with its own glossary at the bottom of each...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,710
  14. Post Let's Learn Japanese Picture Dictionary

    Started by miaow, 10-22-2011 11:23 PM
    basic, beginning, books, children, classroom, dictionary, focus, fun, illustrated, improving, individual, japanese, language, learn, learn japanese, learners, let's learn, life, parents, series, set, teachers, time, vocabulary, words

    Re uploaded on 30/10/2012 by DE Let's Learn Japanese Picture Dictionary Created by leading educators, these colorful, large-size dictionaries ...

    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 4,364
  15. Intermediate Technical Japanese, Volume 2: Glossary

    Started by deutsch3000, 12-02-2012 01:21 PM
    code, common, comprehension, computer, grammar, grammatical, improve, intermediate, japanese, lesson, patterns, practice, read, reading, research, students, study, tech, technical japanese, topics, understanding, vocabulary, volume 2: glossary, words

    Intermediate Technical Japanese, Volume 2: Glossary For self-study or classroom use Learn how to read and translate technical manuals, research...

    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,780
  16. Practical Business Japanese

    Started by olegapostol, 06-14-2012 08:54 AM

    Re uploaded on 18/2/2013 by DE Practical Business Japanese Textbook of Japanese business. It consists of 10 lessons. Voice acting is attached....

    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 3,444
  17. Lightbulb VocabuLearn - Japanese - 12 CDs - Levels 1-3 Complete

    Started by amr_lord, 10-22-2009 12:53 PM
    500, adjectives, adverbs, audio, basic, builder, cds, color, communicate, complete, developing, essential, expanding, foreign, grammar, japanese, language, learners, move, par, phrases, power, vocabulary, vocabulearn, words

    Re uploaded on 10/2/2013 by DE VocabuLearn - Japanese - 12 CDs - Levels 1-3 Complete ocabulearn - The One and Only Audio Foreign Language...

    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 10,408
  18. Japanese Language Teaching - A Communicative Approach

    Started by Kah, 01-24-2013 01:55 PM
    addition, approach, book, classroom, code, communicative, discussion, grammar, helpful, implications, issues, japanese, key, language, model, practice, professional, questions, research, role, students, teaching, terms, theory, work

    This is a highly readable work on communicative language teaching, both general and specific. Whilst it focuses on Japanese language teaching, the...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,208
  19. Japanese Phrasebook

    Started by deutsch3000, 12-11-2012 01:12 AM
    and phrases, code, download, file, japanese, japanese vocabulary, pdf, phrasebook, phrases, situations, vocabulary

    Japanese Phrasebook Provides useful Japanese vocabulary and phrases for a variety of situations. Kevin Chambers, Wesley Palmer, Kam Lau,...

    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,808
  20. Kanji for Understanding Technical Japanese

    Started by Kah, 01-16-2013 06:12 PM
    a companion, basic, biology, book, chemistry, close, code, companion, english, essay, file, guide, japanese, meaning, physics, review, scientific, study, tech, technical, textbook, translation, understanding, vocabulary, volume

    Designed as a companion and study guide for the textbook Comprehending Technical Japanese, this book may also be used as a supplement to the textbook...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,794

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