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Threads 201 to 220 of 830

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Threads in this forum
  1. Творба речи у савременом немачком језику

    Started by arcadius, 05-19-2014 02:43 AM
    #109, #110, #111, Творба речи, немачком, савременом, 1086, 2000, code, data, download, pdf

    Творба речи у савременом немачком језику-Приручник „Творба речи у савременом немачком језику“ намењен је германистима и студентима германистике, као...

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    • Views: 1,994
  2. Речник црквенословенског језика

    Started by arcadius, 05-19-2014 02:17 AM
    #109, #110, #111, Речник, словенског, црквено, 1086, code, data, download, pdf, tes, who can

    Речник црквенословенског језика-Предајући десетак година црквенословенски језик у богословији Светога Саве, уверио сам се да се потпуни успех тога...

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    • Views: 1,261
  3. Речник англо-америчког сленга

    Started by arcadius, 05-18-2014 11:35 PM
    #109, #110, #111, Речник, англо-америчког, сленг, 1086, america, american, code, data, dictionary, dictionary of, download, pdf, slang

    Речник англо-америчког сленга-Dictionary of Anglo-American Slang, први такве врсте код нас, у свом петом издању (прерађеном и допуњеном) садржи преко...

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    • Views: 1,992
  4. Standardizacija Romskog jezika

    Started by arcadius, 05-18-2014 11:19 PM
    code, data, download, jezik, jezika, material, pdf, pisa, pod, romski jezik, romskog jezika, standardizacija

    Standardizacija Romskog jezika-Romski jezik predstavlja nedjeljiv dio identiteta romskih zajednica. Romski identitet i kultura prepoznati su kao...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,190
  5. Hellenistic and Roman Greece as a Sociolinguistic Area

    Started by Kah, 05-18-2014 08:04 PM
    analysis, area, bilingualism, change, classical, code, dealing, dialects, diffusion, greece, greek, history, images, language, lexical, men, methods, process, research, roma, roman, social, sociolinguistic, statistical, study

    This study concentrates on the Hellenistic and Roman periods in the history of Greek language. It focuses on the gradual contamination of classical...

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    • Views: 3,142
  6. Српско-енглески речник лажних парова

    Started by arcadius, 05-18-2014 04:17 PM
    #109, #110, #111, Српско, енглески речник, лажних парова, 1086, code, data, download, manager, pdf

    Српско-енглески речник лажних парова-»Лажни парови« (или »лажни пријатељи«) су обликом сличне речи које припадају различитим језицима, а чија се...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,237
  7. The Welsh Language in the Digital Age - Y Gymraeg Yn Yr Oes Ddigidol

    Started by Kah, 05-18-2014 10:34 AM
    analysis, assessment, code, current, data, development, digital, europe, european, give, impact, language, languages, official, paper, par, research, resources, series, situation, support, tech, technologies, technology, work

    This white paper is part of a series that promotes knowledge about language technology and its potential. It addresses educators, journalists,...

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    • Views: 3,463
  8. Verbtabellen Latein

    Started by Kah, 05-11-2014 04:26 PM
    100, 1000, code, data, der, ein, eine, gramma, grammatik, latein, ler, lerne, lernen, mit, verb, verben, zum

    70 Konjugationstabellen Pro Verb eine Doppelseite mit allen wichtigen Informationen Über 1000 Verben im Anhang mit Angabe der Konjugation...

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    • Views: 1,504
  9. Latin: Story of a World Language

    Started by Kah, 05-11-2014 07:14 AM
    academic, century, classrooms, code, communication, global, history, language, languages, latin, literary, medieval, modern, post, practical, present, questions, renaissance, roman, spoken, story, style, today, tongue, world

    The mother tongue of the Roman Empire and the lingua franca of the West for centuries after Rome's fall, Latin survives today primarily in classrooms...

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    • Views: 4,112
  10. Bosnian Croatian Serbian - A Textbook with Exercises and Basic Grammar 2nd Ed.

    Started by Kah, 08-29-2012 04:15 PM
    2nd, basic, book, books, classroom, code, cyrillic, easy, exercises, glossaries, grammar, hey, individual, languages, latin, men, official, rapidshare, reading, reference, student, students, teachers, textbook, vocabulary

    Audio added on August 01, 2013 (K) With the disintegration of Yugoslavia has come a shifting of linguistic boundaries, chiefly along political...

    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 2,131
  11. The Narrator in Archaic Greek and Hellenistic Poetry

    Started by Kah, 05-10-2014 02:47 PM
    2007, approaches, book, building, close, code, develop, early, examination, greek, literary, mai, making, narrative, pas, past, poems, poetry, poets, primary, study, text, the primary, work, works

    This 2007 text re-examines the relationship of Hellenistic poetry to Archaic poetry. It demonstrates how Callimachus, Theocritus and Apollonius...

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    • Views: 4,394
  12. The Prosody of Greek Speech

    Started by Kah, 05-10-2014 02:41 PM
    accent, answered, answers, based, code, data, der, experimental, face, greek, language, languages, living, phonetics, phonology, pragmatics, questions, set, speech, statistical, structure, syntax, the syntax, theory, work

    The reconstruction of the prosody of a dead language is, on the face of it, an almost impossible undertaking. However, once a general theory of...

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    • Views: 4,219
  13. A Practical Guide for the Writing of the Greek Accents

    Started by Kah, 05-10-2014 01:52 PM
    a complete, a practical, accent, amazon, bei, book, code, complete, end, experience, greek, guide, images, manual, par, practical, practical guide, pre, result, writing

    This little book, being largely the result of practical experience, has no scholarly pretensions whatsoever. It is not a complete manual of Greek...

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    • Views: 4,227
  14. Latvian: An Essential Grammar

    Started by Kah, 05-09-2014 02:01 PM
    adult, basic, classes, clear, code, concise, description, essential, free, gramma, grammar, grammatical, guide, guide to, language, pro, pronunciation, reference, schools, set, short, students, studies, the language, user

    Latvian: An Essential Grammar is a concise, user-friendly guide to the basic grammatical structures of Latvian. Presenting a fresh and accessible...

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    • Views: 1,841
  15. A Concise Bulgarian Grammar

    Started by Kah, 05-09-2014 10:55 AM
    america, aus, australia, bulgaria, bulgarian, code, comparison, concise, culturally, data, europe, gramma, grammar, greece, language, linguistically, live, million, north, official, side, speakers, the official, turkey, western

    Bulgarian is the official language of Bulgaria, a country of 110,910 square kilometers and with a population of 7,351,234 Although relatively small...

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    • Views: 3,970
  16. Ansiklopedik Politika Sozlüğü

    Started by Kah, 05-08-2014 07:25 AM
    code, data, glossary, glossary of, political

    Encyclopedic glossary of political terms Download PDF in RAR 18.62 Mb http:/

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    • Views: 1,042
  17. Turkmen Dictionary with Grammar

    Started by Kah, 05-08-2014 07:24 AM
    code, communication, comprehensive, data, dictionary, english, english dictionary, general, gramma, grammar, grant, knowledge, living, mutual, people, project, purpose, secondary, states, understanding, uni, united, united states, words, written

    This dictionary is, to our knowledge, the first comprehensive Turkmen/English dictionary to be printed. It consists of over 10,000 words and...

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    • Views: 3,110
  18. Goç Terimleri Sozlüğü

    Started by Kah, 05-08-2014 07:10 AM
    code, data

    Uluslararası Goç Hukuku Download PDF in RAR 1.22 Mb

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    • Views: 896
  19. Popüler Siyasi Deyimler Sozlüğü

    Started by Kah, 05-08-2014 07:10 AM
    code, das, data

    Gündelik siyaset, simgelerle, sloganlarla, deyimlerle, sembollesmis tarihlerle veya rakamlarla yürüyor. Hele toplumsal iletisime jestlerin ve dolayli...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,340
  20. A Historical Syntax of Late Middle Indo-Aryan

    Started by Kah, 05-06-2014 02:23 PM
    based, change, close, code, data, dealing, functional, grammatical, historical, issues, languages, lexical, linguistics, middle, monograph, problem, schools, set, students, study, syntax, tech, techniques, terms, works

    This monograph aims to close the gap in our knowledge of the nature and pace of grammatical change during the formative period of today’s Indo-Aryan...

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    • Views: 1,654

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