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Threads 241 to 260 of 830

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Threads in this forum
  1. Англійська мова-Підручник за модульно-ре

    Started by arcadius, 04-26-2014 09:59 PM
    Англійська, Підручник, мова, модульно, навчання, рейтинговою, технологією, based, book, code, exercises, foreign, high, language, languages, learn, learning, modern, school, students, teaching, tech, terms, testing, training

    Англійська мова. Підручник за модульно-рейтинговою технологією навчання. – Ч.1 (для рівня B1 +) Це перший в Україні підручник, в якому на засадах...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 4,215
  2. Handbook of Korean Vocabulary

    Started by Kah, 04-15-2014 07:23 PM
    acquisition, book, challenges, code, data, form, handbook, handbook of, korean, language, language acquisition, learner, learning, meaning, problem, remembering, second language, special, studen, students, task, tongue, vocabular, vocabulary, word

    Vocabulary learning is the single most important component of second-language acquisition. In cases where the second language is unrelated to the...

    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 5,934
  3. Esquemas de Griego Moderno

    Started by Kah, 04-15-2014 07:57 PM
    code, con, data, extra, facil, gramatica, lengua, modern, opera, panorama, visual

    Fichas extraíbles y autoencuadernables en cualquier momento que el usuario lo desee. Esquemas claros, breves, operativos con las estructuras de la...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,679
  4. Griego de viaje

    Started by Kah, 04-15-2014 07:49 PM
    bien, car, code, como, data, del, sea, van

    En esta ya tenemos ademas del blanco y negro el azul y la maquetacion esta mas trabajada. Sus titulos en las pestanas laterales hace que sea muy...

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    • Views: 4,064
  5. My First Book of Korean Words: An ABC Rhyming Book

    Started by Kah, 04-15-2014 07:39 PM
    abc, book, book of, children, code, cultural, culture, day, easy, everyday, experience, friends, fun, fun and, hey, join, kids, language, learning, life, notes, play, sound, structure, words

    N is for nolda, what I do every day. Won't you come join me? It means "to play"!My First Book of Korean Words introduces Korean language and culture...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,691
  6. Coreano para principiantes

    Started by Kah, 04-15-2014 07:29 PM
    code, data, hispanohablantes, para, principiantes, tes

    Curso elaborado para hispanohablantes. Download PDF in RAR 9.58 Mb

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,158
  7. Current Studies in Slavic Linguistics

    Started by Kah, 04-13-2014 05:28 PM
    adjectives, adverbs, analysis, based, book, code, collection, context, current, data, europe, focus, languages, linguistics, north, overview, perspective, research, semantics, september, set, studies, topics, verbs, volume

    This volume represents an overview of current research on Slavic linguistics in Europe and North America based on selected papers presented during...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,493
  8. Die Sprache der Luxemburger

    Started by Kah, 04-12-2014 07:26 PM
    code, data, der, die, german, language, sprache

    A brief sketch of the Luxembourg language in German. Download PDF in RAR 4.94 Mb

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 950
  9. Polish/English-English/Polish Standard Dictionary with Business Terms

    Started by Kah, 04-10-2014 09:56 AM
    amazon, business, code, commonsense, dictionary, english, english words, images, irregular verbs, phonetics, polish, sense, standard, terms, verbs, words

    This standard dictionary includes irregular verbs, proper names and business terms. Commonsense phonetics for both Polish and English words are...

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    • Views: 3,963
  10. Aspectual Pairing in Polish

    Started by Kah, 04-10-2014 09:21 AM
    approach, basic, basis, bei, classes, classification, code, data, hey, history, ideas, mechanism, modern, patterns, present, process, purposes, reader, semantics, simple, spite, study, style, verbs, work

    The received view on Slavic aspect is that it is intrinsically complex, and that there is little hope of discerning any substantial regularity. We...

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    • Views: 4,836
  11. Xeretando a linguagem em latim

    Started by Kah, 04-08-2014 12:42 PM
    amazon, code, divide, ideal, images, mundo, para

    Livro ideal para quem se interessa pela lingua latina, que serviu de matriz para muitas outras com que atualmente milhoes de pessoas em todo o mundo...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,967
  12. Introduction to the Croatian and Serbian Language

    Started by Kah, 08-29-2012 06:12 PM
    academic, book, clear, coast, code, colloquial, cyrillic, dictionary, edition, grammar, introduction, language, lessons, lexical, life, linguistics, modern, pronunciation, rapidshare, student, study, teaching, tech, tourism, write

    Re-uploaded April 06, 2014 (K) This is a completely reworked edition of a textbook that has won acclaim over the years and has been used in...

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    • Views: 1,431
  13. Colloquial Lithuanian - 2nd edition

    Started by deutsch3000, 03-29-2014 11:43 AM
    approach, clear, code, colloquial, communicate, easy, edition, everyday, exercises, grammar, guide, interactive, language, learning, makes, practice, pronunciation, reference, situations, spoken, step, study, teachers, the language, vocabulary

    Colloquial Lithuanian is easy to use and completely up-to-date! Specially written by experienced teachers for self-study or class use, the course...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 4,381
  14. Linguaphone PDQ Turkish Coursebook

    Started by asus123, 10-03-2010 04:08 AM
    500, accent, beginners, code, elementary, everyday, file, focus, fun, learn, learn to speak, linguaphone, listening, pdq, perfect, phrases, read, situations, speak, speakers, style, teaching, vocabulary, words, write

    ReUploaded by arcadius 29.03.2014 Linguaphone Turkish PDQ is a fun, holiday-style course aimed at beginners wanting to learn Turkish. Using proven...

    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 2,839
  15. Eng kleng Hëllef fir Lëtzebuergesch ze schreiwen

    Started by Kah, 03-26-2014 10:28 AM
    aus, code, data, oder

    Dës kleng Broschür soll un éischter Plaz dem Léierpersonal an de Leit, déi op Lëtzebuergesch schreiwe wëllen, en Iwwerbléck iwwert déi nei...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,363
  16. Parlons Luxembourgeois : langue et culture linguistique d'un petit pays au coeur de l'Europe

    Started by Kah, 03-26-2014 09:45 AM
    car, code, comprendre, culture, dan, des, diction, dictionnaire, est, europe, expressions, fan, grammaire, grand, histoire, introduction, langue, même, peine, petit, pour, situation, son, une, vie

    Parlons luxembourgeois est une synthèse, la première du genre, consacrée à la langue luxembourgeoise. Celle-ci est la langue nationale du Grand-Duché...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,347
  17. Relativna rečenica

    Started by arcadius, 03-21-2014 01:09 AM
    ans, code, den, download, ici, literature, mit, oder, pdf, rečenica, relativna, relativna rečenica, tome, usa

    Relativna rečenica zbog svoje kompleksne i iznimno zanimljive prirode zaokuplja, kako nekad tako i danas, pažnju velikog broja lingvista. Pojedini...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,401
  18. Rijeci na granici punoznacnosti

    Started by arcadius, 03-21-2014 12:45 AM
    code, download, ego, ele, granici, ici, jezika, library, model, pdf, pisa, punoznacnosti, rijeci, teks, usa

    Cilj pisanja ove knjige bio je doprinijeti poboljšanju leksikografskih i gramatičkih priručnika, i to na način da se opišu sintaktička, semantička i...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,383
  19. Serbo-Croatian

    Started by arcadius, 03-21-2014 12:29 AM
    19th, 2nd, 9th, aus, basis, century, cities, code, croatian, data, day, european, family, identity, language, literature, north, par, people, present, serbian, serbo-croatian, speakers, spoken, standard

    Socio-and geolinguistic data Genealogical placing and number of speakers The language which in linguistic literature is most commonly called...

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    • Views: 1,693
  20. Le roumain sans peine

    Started by Jinx, 10-26-2012 07:30 PM
    (pdf, assimil, code, mp3, pain, pdf, peine, roma, romanian, roumain, sans

    Reuploaded (20-03-2014) EC Le roumain sans peine (Romanian Without Pain)-Nous nous proposons de vous faire acquérir une langue usuelle, celle que...

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    • Views: 8,683

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