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Threads 1 to 20 of 201

Video & Audio

Threads in this forum
  1. Post Thai for you

    Started by miaow, 10-24-2014 03:05 AM
    audio, basics, code, communication, english, everyday, file, for you, foreign, fun, intensive, language, learn, learning, library, makes, medical, phrases, preparation, situations, thai, the language, topics, vocabulary, words

    Learn the most important words and phrases for everyday situations and travelling with the audio-learning course "Thai for you". More than 1300 ...

    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 4,865
  2. Post Rhythms Easy Greek

    Started by miaow, 10-30-2014 08:41 PM
    and phrases, center, code, easy, english, focus, greek, help, language, lear, learn, mind, minutes, mp3, music, natural, phrases, rhythm, set, simple, switch, view, words, work, your mind

    Mirror added by arcadius 28.01.2020 Use your mind's natural rhythm to learn a language with Rhythms Easy Greek from EuroTalk. It's naturally...

    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 6,166
  3. Teach Yourself Gaelic Conversation (book + audio)

    Started by Kah, 09-26-2013 08:44 AM
    audio, audio), beginners, book, code, complete, conversation, conversations, data, fast, grammar, issues, key, language, perfect, phrases, review, speak, speaking, talk, teach, teach yourself, the language, topics, words

    Re uploaded by DE on 19-SEP-17, book reuploaded by arcadius 08.07.2019, CD 2 reuploaded by arcadius 20.07.2019 Perfect for complete beginners or...

    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 4,476
  4. Learn Cantonese - Level 1 Introduction to Cantonese, Volume 1 Lesson 1-25

    Started by deutsch3000, 02-13-2019 12:48 PM

    This Audiobook will take you through the basics of Cantonese with Basic Bootcamp, All About, and Pronunciation lessons. The five Basic Bootcamp...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 3,410
  5. Learn Cantonese - Level 5 Advanced Cantonese, Volume 1 Lessons 1-25

    Started by deutsch3000, 02-13-2019 12:43 PM

    Want to immerse yourself in the Cantonese language and speak at a native level? Curious about Hong Kong and the culture? Then this Audiobook is...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,943
  6. Learn Cantonese - Level 2 Absolute Beginner Cantonese, Volume 1 Lessons 1-25

    Started by deutsch3000, 02-13-2019 12:33 PM

    Congratulations! You have just discovered the fastest and most fun way to learn a language! Are you ready to discover the secret to language learning...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 3,225
  7. Cantonese Absolute Beginner

    Started by deutsch3000, 01-10-2019 12:43 AM

    Congratulations! You have just discovered the fastest and most fun way to learn a language! Are you ready to discover the secret to language learning...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 5,095
  8. Bulgarian Survival Phrases

    Started by deutsch3000, 01-10-2019 12:28 AM

    Start speaking Bulgarian in minutes, and grasp the language, culture, and customs in just minutes more with Survival Phrases - Bulgarian, a...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 4,735
  9. Teach Yourself Complete Urdu

    Started by ayruan, 01-19-2012 10:08 PM
    approach, audio, basics, clear, complete, cultural, current, easy, exercises, grammar, guide, language, learn, learning, life, listening, program, reading, skills, speakers, speaking, teach, understanding, writing, year

    Re uploaded by DE on 11-Oct-18 It's easy to teach yourself Urdu! Complete Urdu with Two Audio CDs: A Teach Yourself Guide provides you with a...

    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 5,887
  10. Krok Po kroku Polski A1

    Started by Kah, 07-22-2013 07:53 PM
    arts, basics, book, code, data, don't have, forms, good, grammar, hey, image, introducing, language, learners, learning, par, people, star, study, textbook, things, understand, work, workbooks, worksheets

    Re uploaded by DE on 02-SEP-16 This is not the first Polish language textbook I've used, it's not even the second. It is the best though, in my...

    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 6,219
  11. Greek Now Ellinika tora 1+1 (Textbook, Workbook, Key, Audio)

    Started by Kah, 05-09-2014 09:38 AM
    1st, 2nd, 3rd, amazon, basic, book, code, cover, grades, grammar, grammar and, greek, images, language, modern, structure, textbook, the language

    ReUploaded by arcadius 23.09.2018 The book has two sections which cover the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades of a modern Greek language course. The first...

    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 14,349
  12. Colloquial Croatian and Serbian (book + audio)

    Started by Kah, 08-29-2012 09:57 PM
    1500, 500, approach, approach to, book, books, class, code, colloquial, colloquial serbian, cover, croatian, easy, edge, only), pdf, rapidshare, self-study, serbian, spoken, step, study, teachers, written

    ReUploaded by arcadius on 14.07.2018 Colloquial Croatian and Serbian is easy to use and completely up-to-date. Specially written by experienced...

    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 12,127
  13. Post Le Catalan, Pack (Livre + CD Audio)

    Started by miaow, 10-16-2014 06:34 PM
    100, 101, assimil, audio, audio), barcelo, cd audio, code, end, est, french, langue, latine, livre, notes, origine, pack, pdf, person, qui, sans, tes, une, view, vous

    Re uploaded by DE on 04-JUN-18 Langue officielle (ou co-officielle) de plus de 12 millions de personnes, le catalan, connu sous le nom de...

    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 8,419
  14. Colloquial Catalan - The Complete Course for Beginners (audio + book)

    Started by ayruan, 04-18-2011 12:37 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    audio, audio + pdf, beginners, book, colloquial, complete, complete course, daily, daily life, easy, english, exercises, grammar, insight, language, life, patterns, practice, reading, spain, spoken, the complete, the language

    ReUploaded by praticaradical, mirror by arcadius 15.05.2018 Colloquial Catalan-The Complete Course for Beginners (audio + book) This course...

    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 10,357
  15. Colloquial Urdu - 2nd Edition (book + audio)

    Started by Kah, 10-09-2013 10:20 PM
    audio, audio), book, common, communicate, complete, edition, english, exercises, free, grammar, great, intermediate, language, listening, proficiency, speakers, speaking, spoken, step, students, the complete, vocabulary, writing, writing skills

    Re uploaded by DE on 22-Mar-18 Colloquial Urdu provides a step-by-step course in Urdu as it is written and spoken today. Combining a user-friendly...

    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 4,624
  16. Le Bulgare Sans Peine (book + audio)

    Started by Kah, 01-29-2014 08:51 AM
    audio, audio), book, code, comprendre, cuisine, dans, data, des, exercices, exprimer, faites, les, livre, même, méthode, moins, par, passion, profession, situations, son, traduction, vie, vous

    ReUploaded, TORRENT added by arcadius 01.03.2018 La Bulgarie ne se limite pas au fameux yoghourt et aux roses ! Pont entre l’Orient et l’Occident,...

    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 3,320
  17. Le Latin Sans Peine

    Started by deutsch3000, 01-29-2014 09:21 AM
    active, code, dans, dialogues, efficace, elle, exercices, grâce, langue, latin, méthodes, mp3, niveau, notes, nous, par, peine, pratique, sans, seconde, ses, simple, tout, votre, vous

    Re uploaded by DE on 23-JAN-18 Assimil applique dans ses méthodes un principe exclusif, très simple mais efficace, l'assimilation intuitive. Ce...

    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 5,823
  18. Post How to Learn and Memorize - Latin Vocabulary

    Started by miaow, 10-14-2014 07:53 PM
    100, 20 minutes, audiobook, bei, code, day, english, good, how to, improve, improve your, joy of, latin, learn, memory, mind, minutes, mp3, read, simple, speak, system, tech, techniques, vocabulary

    If you'd like to improve your ability to learn Latin vocabulary by as much as 100%, 200%, even 300% (or more)...using simple memory techniques that...

    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 4,858
  19. Learn Tamil through English – 15 Day Interactive Course

    Started by ayruan, 09-11-2011 03:11 PM
    basic, cae, care, communicate, conversations, cours, data, day, easy, english, exercises, grammar, interactive, language, learn, lessons, life, situations, software, style, tam, tips, topics, usage, words

    Re uploaded by DE on 15-AUG-17 Pebbles presents Learn Tamil in a different style to learn a language .In the case of a language like Tamil a...

    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 3,446
  20. Post Rhythms Easy Somali

    Started by miaow, 10-30-2014 01:59 AM
    and phrases, center, code, easy, english, focus, help, language, lear, learn, mind, minutes, mp3, music, natural, phrases, rhythm, set, simple, switch, view, words, words and phrases, work, your mind

    Use your mind's natural rhythm to learn a language with Rhythms Easy Somali from EuroTalk. It's naturally easier to learn something when it's set...

    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 2,396

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