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Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

Threads in this forum
  1. Right Word Wrong Word

    Started by honhungoc, 01-22-2011 02:57 AM
    answer, book, common, english, errors, exercises, grammar, grammatical, interference, intermediate, language, learners, makes, practice, problems, proficiency, questions, reference, secondary, students, teachers, test, topics, words, wrong

    Re-uploaded on July 04, 2013 (K) Right Word Wrong Word L. G. Alexander, "Right Word Wrong Word" This is a reference and practice book of words...

    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 2,611
  2. The Dictionary of Word Origins

    Started by honhungoc, 11-09-2011 02:42 AM
    answers, clear, common, context, data, development, dictionary, english, errors, everyday, file, french, guide, hey, how can, how to, italian, language, languages, latin, meaning, modern, norwegian, pocket, portuguese, pro, problems, pronunciation, question, questions, sentence, set, spanish, spoken, straightforward, study, swedish, terms, time, usage, word, words, work, world, writing

    Re-uploaded on June 18, 2013 (K) The Hutchinson Dictionary of Word Origins Authoritative etymologies of hundreds of English words, including...

    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 3,015
  3. A Dictionary of Archaeology

    Started by Kah, 06-05-2013 06:42 AM
    a complete, a dictionary, anthropology, based, biology, body, challenges, china, code, complete, concepts, context, data, dictionary, human, key, philosophy, practical, primary, process, reader, reference, theory, volume, world

    This dictionary provides those studying or working in archaeology with a complete reference to the field. The entries, which range from key-word...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,007
  4. Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary

    Started by Monty, 01-22-2010 01:34 PM
    2008, academic, american, based, building, cambridge, clear, common, content dictionary, dictionary, english, everyday, high, language, rapidshare, research, school, science, sentence, social, students, understand, vocabulary, words, world, writing, writing a

    Re uploaded on 3/6/2013 by DE This new dictionary defines the vocabulary students need to succeed in high school and beyond. Its entries include...

    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 5,436
  5. Paperback Thesaurus

    Started by honhungoc, 12-13-2011 07:19 AM
    2006, creative, data, general, give, letters, mobi, reference, reports, study, suitable, synonyms, thesaurus, words, writing

    ReUploaded by arcadius 27.05.2013 Offers over 300,000 alternative and opposite words. Synonyms are given in order of usefulness, showing the most...

    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 2,313
  6. Portable Concise Oxford Dictionary 11th Edition

    Started by nguyenquangy, 10-03-2009 06:58 AM
    a guide, a guide to, communication, concise, data, dictionary, discussion, dream, easy, edition, english, formation, good, guide, guide to, hundred, made, notes, objective, oxford, questions, rapidshare, resources, usage, word

    ReUploaded by arcadius 19.05.2013 This edition include a greatly increased number of boxed usage notes, offering help with tricky questions of...

    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 3,208
  7. Arrow The Concise New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English

    Started by henordo, 08-14-2009 01:13 PM
    around the, concise, dictionary, dictionary of, english, english in, girls, humour, language, learning, love, par, pdf, rapidshare, resource, slang, speaking, terms, the language, time, volume, world, year

    ReUploaded by arcadius 19.05.2013 The Concise New Partridge presents, for the first time, all the slang terms from The New Partridge Dictionary of...

    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 4,522
  8. A Concise Dictionary of English Slang

    Started by honhungoc, 01-15-2011 04:56 AM
    book, concise, context, cross, current, data, dictionaries, dictionary, dictionary of, download, english, ged, general, in context, insight, of english, pdf, reader, series, slang, studen, student, text

    ReUploaded by arcadius 19.05.2013 Part of the "Concise Dictionaries" series, this book provides the general reader and student with an insight...

    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 2,628
  9. Better Than It Sounds! A Dictionary of Humourous Musical Quotations

    Started by Kah, 05-18-2013 10:58 PM

    Better Than It Sounds is sometimes pithy, sometimes provacative, sometimes profound and always amusing, these quotes by famous (and not so famous)...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,024
  10. A Dictionary of Historical Slang

    Started by arcadius, 05-18-2013 10:10 PM
    a dictionary, book, code, dictionary, dictionary of, download, edition, english, eric partridge, gramma, grammatical, historical, in use, modern, par, pdf, process, slang, unconventional, war, words, world

    This book is an abridgement of the 1961 edition of Eric Partridge’s A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English, containing only those words and...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,162
  11. Encyclopedia of Greco-Roman Mythology

    Started by arcadius, 04-02-2011 08:14 PM
    addition, collection, culture, encyclopedia, essential, formation, give, greco-roman mythology, guide, heroes, historical, information, letters, literature, mythology, photos, pictures, roma, roman, studen, students, text, volume, works

    Re-uploaded on May 18, 2013 (K) In more than 1400 entries, this guide covers the major gods and heroes, many minor figures, and even some...

    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,810
  12. Radiological Sciences Dictionary

    Started by Kah, 05-12-2013 08:10 AM
    acts, agents, applied, code, computing, concise, dictionary, digest, digital, easy, guide, historical, medicine, mri, par, radiology, rapid, reference, scientific, statistical, tech, technology, terms, training, ultrasound

    The Radiological Sciences Dictionary is a rapid reference guide for all hospital staff employed in diagnostic imaging, providing definitions of over...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,244
  13. Dictionary of Medical Quotations

    Started by Kah, 05-12-2013 08:08 AM
    afraid, book, code, dictionary, dictionary of, die, end, english, gale, good, health, hundreds of, medical, medici, medicine, nurse, oxford, pretext, profession, quotations, reference, scientists, sea, the country, the oxford

    The Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations presents a wonderfully entertaining and eclectic range of quotations, covering all aspects of medicine...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,171
  14. Metaphors Dictionary

    Started by Kah, 05-10-2013 08:35 AM
    500, a complete, beat, classic, code, collection, comparative, complete, contemporary, cultural, current, dictionar, dictionary, great, ideas, literacy, literature, mas, media, metaphor, phrase, phrases, picture, time, words

    A masterful metaphor, like a picture, may be worth a thousand words. By comparing two unlike objects or ideas, it illuminates the similarities...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,126
  15. Metaphorically Speaking

    Started by Kah, 05-09-2013 09:39 PM

    There are books on antonyms, synonyms, and rhyming words, but this is the first paperback work on metaphors, the idiomatic words and phrases used to...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,005
  16. Post A Dictionary of Modern English Usage: The Classic First Edition

    Started by miaow, 02-20-2012 11:50 PM
    2009, book, classic, david, dictionary, edition, english, going to, good, grammar, introduction, language, modern, oxford, practice, pupils, reference, standard, terms, test, the language, time, university, words, work

    ReUploaded by arcadius 07.04.2013 No book had more influence on twentieth-century writers of English than Henry Fowler's Dictionary of Modern...

    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,646
  17. A Dictionary of Modern English Usage (2nd Edition)

    Started by Prescott, 05-23-2010 09:25 AM
    2nd, and practical, classic, clear, code, dictionary, edition, english, file, grammar, humour, modern, modern english, practical, pronunciation, punctuation, speaking, standard, style, syntax, university, university press, usage, words, work, years

    Re-uploaded on May 07, 2013 by lukin A Dictionary of Modern English Usage (2nd Edition) This classic text has become the standard work on the...

    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 2,561
  18. Glossary of Legal Terms - Multilingual Glossary in 13 languages

    Started by Kah, 05-04-2013 11:49 AM
    administration, arabic, bosnian, chinese, code, croatian, english, glossary, glossary of, greek, images, italia, italian, language, languages, legal, russia, russian, serbian, spanish, terms, turkish, vie

    Languages: Arabic, Bosnian, Chinese, Croatian, English, Greek, Italian, Russian, Serbian, Somali, Spanish, Turkish, Vietnamese Classified in:...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,245
  19. Urban Dictionary: Fularious Street Slang Defined

    Started by deutsch3000, 05-03-2013 07:50 PM
    2013, big, changing, code, der, dictionary, fas, language, leaves, publication, slang, street, the language

    Perfect for those who want to pick up some new slang and those who want to translate it, Urban Dictionary is a gritty and witty look at our...

    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,245
  20. Dictionary of Phrase & Fable

    Started by Kah, 04-24-2013 04:48 PM
    19th, 9th, 9th edition, brewer, code, cultural, dictionary, dictionary of, edition, english, expressions, fable, legends, london, mai, main, myths, people, phrase, speaking, standards, stories, updated, words, world

    A much-loved title since 1870, this 19th edition of Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable encapsulates all the wit and wisdom that characterize its...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,272

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