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Business English

Threads in this forum
  1. Business Result Upper Intermediate Audio CD's

    Started by Kah, 10-15-2013 03:48 PM
    audio, audio cd, business, business english, business result, code, communication, communication skills, english, english course, hey, intermediate, level, result, skills, studen, students, upper, upper intermediate, work

    Business Result is a five-level business English course that gives students the communication skills they need for immediate use at work. ...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 4,944
  2. Market Leader: Upper Intermediate Business English (Course Book) 1st EDITION

    Started by Monty, 10-09-2010 01:06 AM
    (course book), 1st edition, 750, any business, book, business, business englis, business english, edition, english, environment, intermediate, language, leader, market, market leader, materials, men, par, program, situation, studen, students, the language, times, today, upper, upper intermediate

    Re-uploaded on Oct. 11, 2013 (K) Now students of all abilities can feel comfortable and confident in any business situation with the language...

    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 7,025
  3. Complete Business Statistics, 7th edition

    Started by Monty, 10-14-2010 05:15 AM
    7th edition, a complete, bei, business, complete, edition, file, global, international, issues, mai, main, statistics

    Re-uploaded on Oct. 13, 2013 (K) Statistical integrity with a complete Excel solution. The seventh edition retains its global emphasis,...

    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 5,128
  4. Post Statistics of Financial Markets, 3 Edition

    Started by miaow, 11-01-2011 06:28 PM
    analysis, applications, basic, basis, behaviour, book, concise, edition, evaluating, exercises, focus, fundamentals, introduction, learn, making, memory, methods, practical, problems, reader, revised, series, statistical, third edition, time

    Re uploaded on 13-10-2013 by DE Statistics of Financial Markets offers a vivid yet concise introduction to the growing field of statistical...

    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,464
  5. Post Essentials of Statistics for Business and Economics

    Started by miaow, 03-10-2012 08:30 PM
    approach, big, business, computer, concise, contemporary, easy, edition, effective, essentials, exercises, focus, how to, introduction, master, popular, practical, problems, set, situations, software, students, success, topics, understanding

    Re uploaded on 13-10-2013 by DE Trust the latest version of this market-leading essentials text to introduce sound statistical methodology in a...

    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,927
  6. Quantifying the User Experience - Practical Statistics for User Research

    Started by Kah, 07-21-2012 07:14 AM
    bei, book, code, common, communicate, complete, current, day, discussion, experience, face, foundation, guide, hey, how to, literature, problems, psychology, questions, rapidshare, research, studies, tests, theory, work

    Re uploaded on 13-10-2013 by DE You're being asked to quantify usability improvements with statistics. But even with a background in statistics,...

    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,675
  7. Elementary Statistics - Picturing the World (5th Edition)

    Started by Kah, 07-20-2012 07:57 PM
    5th, 750, approach, approach to, book, code, concepts, data, easy, edition, elementary, exercises, illustrate, images, key, learn, philosophy, rapidshare, readers, statistical, statistics, studen, students, understand, world

    Re-uploaded on 13-10-2013 by DE Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, Fifth Edition, offers our most accessible approach to statistics—with...

    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 2,188
  8. Business English Study Podcast + Lessons planning (Advanced)

    Started by honhungoc, 10-18-2011 03:45 AM
    advanced, audio, building, business, cultural, english, file, focus, functional, grammar, improving, language, lessons, plan, plays, podcast, practice, pronunciation, reading, role, schools, students, study, teachers, vocabulary

    Re-uploaded on 7-10-2013 by DE Business English Study Podcast + Lessons planning (Advanced) Business English Study lessons are for students,...

    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 2,147
  9. Business Result Advanced (DVD video)

    Started by deutsch3000, 10-04-2013 06:20 PM
    advanced, business, code, communication, dvd, email, english, exercises, extra, hey, interactive, language, learn, learning, material, reference, school, skills, students, study, tests, video, work, workbook, world

    Business English you can take to work today. Overview With its communicative syllabus, authentic business material, and expert tips from a...

    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 2,198
  10. Business Result Advanced (Interactive Workbook on CD-ROM)

    Started by deutsch3000, 10-04-2013 11:30 AM
    advanced, business, code, communication, email, english, exercises, extra, hey, interactive, language, learn, learning, material, media, reference, school, skills, students, studies, study, tests, work, workbook, world

    Business English you can take to work today. Overview With its communicative syllabus, authentic business material, and expert tips from a...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,625
  11. Market Leader Pre-Intermediate 3rd Edition (Practice File + CD)

    Started by deutsch3000, 10-02-2013 09:07 AM
    3rd, 3rd edition, business, business english, changing, classroom, code, edition, english, fas, fast, file, intermediate, leader, leader pre-intermediate, market, market leader, pdf, practice, pre, pre-intermediate, shop, the business, updated, world

    Market Leader 3rd Edition has been completely updated to reflect the fast-changing world of business and brings authentic and authoritative content...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 6,708
  12. Market Leader Pre-Intermediate 3rd Edition (Course Book + Audio)

    Started by deutsch3000, 10-02-2013 09:04 AM
    3rd, 3rd edition, audio, audio), big, book, business, business english, changing, classroom, code, edition, english, fas, intermediate, leader, leader pre-intermediate, market, market leader, pdf, pre, pre-intermediate, the business, updated, world

    Market Leader 3rd Edition has been completely updated to reflect the fast-changing world of business and brings authentic and authoritative content...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 11,690
  13. Market Leader Advanced 3rd Edition (Practice File+Audio)

    Started by deutsch3000, 10-01-2013 10:38 AM
    3rd, 3rd edition, advanced, audio, audio), book, business, business english, changing, classroom, code, edition, english, fas, fast, file, financial, leader, market, market leader, pdf, practice, the business, updated, world

    Market Leader 3rd Edition has been completely updated to reflect the fast-changing world of business and brings authentic and authoritative content...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 3,340
  14. Market Leader Upper Intermediate 3rd Edition (Practice File+Audio)

    Started by deutsch3000, 10-01-2013 10:09 AM
    3rd, 3rd edition, book, code, con, coursebook, edition, exercises, file, full, grammar, images, intermediate, key, leader, market, market leader, pdf, practice, upper, upper intermediate, vocabulary, writing

    This book is the practice section that complements the Market Leader Upper Intermediate Coursebook 3rd Edition. It contains exercises on vocabulary,...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 5,477
  15. Real-Resumes for Supply & Logistics Jobs

    Started by honhungoc, 04-20-2011 11:55 PM
    advice, ahead, and other, based, books, careers, change, data, early, for you, give, great, job, key, learn, letters, life, logistics, people, real, series, specialized, word, work, working

    Re-uploaded on July 01, 2013 (K) Anne McKinney, "Real-Resumes for Supply & Logistics Jobs" Welcome to the Real-Resumes Series. The Real-Resumes...

    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 2,928
  16. Business Englisch: Soforthilfe für Mail und Phone. Das Wichtigste auf einen Blick

    Started by deutsch3000, 09-22-2013 08:28 PM
    auf, aus, bean, business, business englisch, code, das, den, die, dig, eine, einem, email, englisch, epub, fragen, für, ich, mail, man, orientierung, sprachkurs, und, verbi, war

    Der "Business Englisch" kann Leser schnell aus akuten Notlagen befreien: Wie spreche ich den Adressaten an? Wie verbinde ich am Telefon weiter? Wie...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,665
  17. Business and Personal Law - Real-World Connections

    Started by Kah, 09-07-2013 10:18 PM
    academic, big, book, business, code, comprehension, connection, global, improve, improve your, integrated, internet, law, life, practices, reading, real, skills, strategies, studen, students, text, uni, works, world

    Business and Personal Law: Real-World Connections provides Integrated Reading and Academic Strategies to improve your students' comprehension and...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,618
  18. Sales & Pitch Letters for Busy People - Time-Saving, Money-Making, Ready-to-Use Letters for Any Prospects (book only)

    Started by Kah, 07-05-2013 07:29 AM
    book, busy, career, choice, code, great, images, letters, making, money, only), people, popular, press, ready, sales, saving, time

    The Sales & Pitch Letters For Busy People Time-saving Money-making Ready-to-use Letters For Any Prospects is widely recommended and is a popular...

    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,963
  19. How to Teach Business English

    Started by honhungoc, 04-01-2012 09:55 AM
    a guide, a guide to, activities, advice, business, business english, data, download, eaching, english, file, guide, guide to, how to, how to teach, opera, photocopiable, practical, skills, task, teach, teachers, teaching, theoretical, training

    How to Teach Business English is designed to offer practical advice to anyone involved in business English and act as a guide to some of the...

    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 2,164
  20. Business Basics CDs

    Started by honhungoc, 03-20-2011 04:26 AM
    a glossary, audio, basics, business, cds, change, data, david, educational, elementary, english, games, glossary, glossary of, gramma, grammatical, introduction, language, material, modern, role, schools, students, study, terms

    ReUploaded by arcadius 30.08.2013 Business Basics got its name because it can be used by students who have elementary knowledge of English. Much...

    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 3,364

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