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Videos - CD-ROM

Threads in this forum
  1. Sticky Thread Sticky: le francais avec victor (Disk 1)

    Started by Monty, 06-12-2011 11:17 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    100, 101, 20 minutes, avec, dans, des, dvd, efficace, français, jeu, l'élève, langue, le petit, les, méthode, méthode de, minutes, par, petit, pour, ses, une, video, vie, vous

    Re uploaded on 9-1-2014 by DE Une méthode de langue audiovisuelle ludique élaborée par le Victor Ebner Institute qui a fait ses preuves auprès de...

    • Replies: 15
    • Views: 19,729
  1. Post Rosetta Stone v.3.4.5 French level 1-5

    Started by miaow, 03-13-2013 10:31 PM
    (british), 100, british, code, english, french, fun, immersion, language, learning, life, making, multiple, patterns, practical, program, rosetta, rosetta stone, simple, stone, teach, tech, the language, writing, writing a

    Re uploaded by DE on 20-Apr-20 Rosetta Stone - the best program for learning the language at home. This technique allows you to teach you how in...

    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 6,938
  2. Post SuperMemo Français Extreme Multi 2012

    Started by miaow, 04-12-2013 01:17 PM
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 4
    2012, a course in, code, collocations, course in, extreme, forms, français, french, grammar, idioms, irregular verbs, learning, learning french, levels, multi, multimedia, par, prepositions, program, supermemo, verbs, version, vocabulary, winrar

    Learn vocabulary with the SuperMemo method, unique algorithm of repetition whose effectiveness has been proven by scientific research. Français...

    • Replies: 35
    • Views: 22,618
  3. Le français des médecins - 40 vidéos pour communiquer à l'hôpital (1DVD)

    Started by englishcology, 07-30-2014 12:09 AM
    audio, car, code, color, communicative, communiquer, dan, dans, des, dvd, elle, file, français, hôpital, les, médecins, pour, profession, simple, stage, thomas, tour, une, videos

    Véritable outil multimédia, cet ouvrage avec son DVD encarté s'adresse aux étudiants en médecine et médecins non-francophones amenés à effectuer un...

    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 14,386
  4. Thumbs up French Experience II

    Started by amr_lord, 10-27-2009 08:32 AM
    2006, 500, bbc, color, description, english, experience, french, green, langues, les, minutes, par, pdf, red, subtitles

    Re uploaded by DE on 13-FEB-18 description:- The French Experience II 10 episodes of 15 minutes . Each episode weighs 120 megs English...

    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 9,370
  5. Cool Taxi ! 1 : Méthode de français Video

    Started by amr_lord, 12-23-2009 01:40 PM
    100, 154, 1600, 163, 2003, 500, book, book of, color, dvd, french, french language, language, par, red, taxi!, textbook, video

    Re uploaded by DE on 06-SEP-16 Video of the famous textbook of the French language "Taxi!" from the publisher "Hachette" Year: 2003...

    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 9,807
  6. Grammatiktrainer Franzoesisch 2011 6.0.A1-B2

    Started by xblue, 05-14-2011 05:25 PM
    2011, bis, cd-rom, des, eine, fortgeschrittene, ged, gramma, grammatik, grammatiktrainer, grammatiktrainer. french, ives, langenscheidt, par, praxis, rom, system, training, und, windows

    Re uploaded by DE on 26-May-15 Grammatik - sicher ins Langzeitgedächtnis Features: Innovatives 3-stufiges Lernsystem Grammatik ...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 3,402
  7. Fluenz French (f2) Level 4

    Started by deutsch3000, 01-30-2014 09:47 PM
    approach, audio, based, best way, children, clear, comprehension, english, french, great, language, languages, learn, learning, made, makes, making, practice, research, software, step, tutor, video, words, writing

    Re uploaded by DE on 25-May-15 Discover French through the magic of a great teacher. The Fluenz tutor's custom-made approach guides you in English...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 4,742
  8. Echo A1 - Methode De Français - Niveau Debutants (DVDRip + Livret pedagogique)

    Started by rockerazo, 09-11-2013 10:42 PM
    apprentissage, cahier, cahier d exercise, code, color, de français, download, dvd, dvdrip, easy, echo a1, français, l'élève, livre, méthode de français, mp3, niveau, par, pdf, portfolio, quality, rom, total, video

    Re uploaded by DE on 25-May-15 Echo (nouvelle version), une véritable méthode actionnelle désormais en 5 volumes (de A1 à B2) pour s'adapter à...

    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 9,432
  9. Ma France

    Started by amr_lord, 10-27-2009 09:10 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    2007, bbc, color, description, english, france, french, high, july, languages, lessons, minutes, official, par, pdf, quality, red, sound, subtitles, the official, time, translation, video

    Re uploaded on 19/8/2013 by DE 24 lessons of 10 minutes French script in pdf (recognized), English translation of the script is also in pdf...

    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 14,862
  10. Fluenz French (f2) Level 2

    Started by deutsch3000, 01-30-2014 02:49 PM
    approach, audio, based, best way, children, clear, comprehension, english, french, great, language, languages, learn, learning, made, makes, making, practice, research, software, step, tutor, video, words, writing

    Discover French through the magic of a great teacher. The Fluenz tutor's custom-made approach guides you in English every step of the way through the...

    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 5,771
  11. Aurolang 2( learn french, hindi, english, tamil)

    Started by shinebegins, 07-04-2014 01:46 AM
    als, books, cds, download, english, french, hindi, how to, jour, journals, languages, lear, learn, learn french, media, study

    This method includes 2 books and an interactive CD-ROM. This language set, initiated and coordinated by Claude Jouen, was put together by a...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 4,650
  12. Fluenz French (f2) Level 3

    Started by deutsch3000, 01-30-2014 09:52 PM
    approach, audio, based, best way, children, clear, comprehension, english, french, great, language, languages, learn, learning, made, makes, making, practice, research, software, step, tutor, video, words, writing

    Discover French through the magic of a great teacher. The Fluenz tutor's custom-made approach guides you in English every step of the way through the...

    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 4,925
  13. le francais avec victor (Disk 2 )

    Started by Monty, 06-22-2011 11:56 PM
    163, 20 minutes, avec, dans, des, dvd, efficace, file, français, jeu, l'élève, langue, méthode, méthode de, minutes, par, paris, person, petit, pour, recherche, ses, une, vie, vous

    Re uploaded on 8-1-2014 by DE Une méthode de langue audiovisuelle ludique élaborée par le Victor Ebner Institute qui a fait ses preuves auprès de...

    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 13,117
  14. Fluenz French (f2) Level 5

    Started by deutsch3000, 01-30-2014 09:37 PM
    approach, audio, based, best way, children, clear, comprehension, english, french, great, language, languages, learn, learning, made, makes, making, practice, research, software, step, tutor, video, words, writing

    Discover French through the magic of a great teacher. The Fluenz tutor's custom-made approach guides you in English every step of the way through the...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 4,777
  15. Funambule Le francais en action (Livre et AUDIO)

    Started by Lalena, 03-27-2011 01:50 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    action, ages, cd rom, dans, français, francophone, funambule cd-rom français, le français, mac, monde, rom

    Re uploaded on 8-1-2014 by DE CD ROM MAC/ PC d´apprentissage du français utilisant 50 extraits vidéo issus de 30 reportages de la célèbre émission...

    • Replies: 13
    • Views: 9,834
  16. Français interactif 1

    Started by xblue, 05-01-2011 10:57 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    163, auf, aus, cornelsen, das, der, die, eine, français, france, french, geschichte, gramma, interactif, lernen, les, line, online, parallel, plus!, schreiben, training, tutor, und, wörterbuch

    Re-uploaded on 8-1-2014 by DE Lernprogramm genau abgestimmt auf Réalités 1-Nouvelle édition und À plus! 1 den Lehrwerken aus dem Cornelsen...

    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 9,610
  17. Doki French 1&2 (2 CDs)

    Started by englishcology, 10-16-2013 01:47 PM
    basics, cds, conversation, doki, everyday, exercises, french, grammar, humour, interactive, intermediate, language, learning, life, method, modern, russian, series, situations, stories, students, vocabulary, words, writing

    Doki is a unique modern method for learning the basics of a foreign language without the use of grammar and writing. Through colorful animated...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 4,417
  18. Bienvenue en France Tome 1 ( 1-13 episodes )

    Started by nguyenquangy, 11-16-2009 05:28 PM
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 4
    100, 101, 500, adultes, avec, color, communication, data, de français, des, dvd, elle, file, films, français, langue, les, méthode, méthode de, méthode de français, mon, par, pratique, quality, rapidshare, son, time, tome, une

    Re uploaded on 11-10-2013 by DE Bienvenue en France est une méthode de français langue étrangère destinée aux adultes débutants. Elle permet...

    • Replies: 33
    • Views: 30,382
  19. Français interactif 2

    Started by xblue, 05-01-2011 11:00 PM
    2000, auf, cd-rom, cornelsen, der, die, edition, eine, français, french, gramma, interactif, multimediale, par, plus!, rom, schreiben, texte, und, von

    Re-uploaded (EC) 23-09-2013 Das multimediale Lernprogramm für Französisch...Genau abgestimmt auf "Realites 2 - Nouvelle Edition" und "A plus! 2"...

    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 4,618
  20. Thumbs up French Experience I

    Started by amr_lord, 10-27-2009 08:01 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    2009, 2010, bbc, bon, color, culture, english, experience, foreign, french, health, languages, langues, leisure, les, life, meeting, minutes, par, sport, transport, travail, weather, work, working

    Re uploaded on 17/8/2013 by DE description :- The French Experience I 20 episodes of 15 minutes Each episode weighs 150 megs....

    • Replies: 19
    • Views: 15,138

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