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Aqui você vai encontrar tudo que você precisa para ensinar ou estudar a língua Português.

Threads in this forum
  1. Portugués de viaje

    Started by Kah, 02-04-2014 03:59 PM
    code, data

    Esta série é muito interessante e rapida assimilacao. E baseada no português de Portugal Download PDF in RAR 21.52 Mb...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,535
  2. Novo Avenida Brasil 3 (Book+Audio)

    Started by deutsch3000, 01-31-2014 12:46 PM
    2008, audio, audio), book, clear, code, common, curso, edition, good, intercultural, introducing, languages, learners, learning, life, living, material, portuguese, reference, short, skills, speaking, time, volume

    LANGUAGE: PORTUGUESE!!! BOOK FROM BRAZIL For 'Novo Avenida Brasil' the well-known and proven course 'Avenida Brasil' has been completely revised and...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 7,875
  3. Le Brésilien Sans Peine (book + audio)

    Started by Kah, 01-29-2014 06:52 AM
    100, code, comprendre, dans, data, découvrir, des, exercices, exprimer, face, gramma, grammaire, livre, méthode, mots, notes, passion, pour, profession, ses, situations, son, traduction, une, vous

    Cette méthode vous propose de découvrir le portugais parlé au Brésil dans ses particularités lexicales (mots d'origine tupi ou africaine),...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,798
  4. Самоучитель португальского языка

    Started by Kah, 01-23-2014 06:42 AM
    языка, 100, based, brazilian, code, data, exercises, gramma, grammatical, happy, jokes, language, learning, lesson, material, mp3, par, perception, poems, portuguese, proverbs, rapid, riddles, songs, tongue

    Modern Portuguese language course based on the original procedure-oriented perception and rapid consolidation of the new material. Each lesson...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 6,225
  5. Telc Language Tests - Português - B1

    Started by Kah, 01-20-2014 08:01 AM
    code, como, con, data, den, language, mp3, nivel, para, portugues, real, tes, tests

    Estandardizados objetivos avaliacao na, nas transparentes solicitacoes - estas caracteristicas sao as específicas qualidade de dos para exames OS...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,671
  6. Michel Thomas Method: Portuguese Foundation Course

    Started by olegapostol, 05-12-2011 12:28 PM
    advanced, answers, audio, effective, english, foundation, king, language, listening, method, michel, michel thomas, michel thomas method, portuguese, progressive, pronunciation, reference, speaking, steps, students, teaching, the language, thomas, writing, years

    Re uploaded on 14-1-2014 by DE Learn another language the way you learnt your own You learnt your own language naturally and enjoyably: now you...

    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 4,234
  7. Dicionario Pratico Russo - Portugues / Русско-португальский учебный слоk

    Started by Kah, 01-13-2014 09:26 AM
    #109, #110, Русско-, словарь, языка, 100, 1086, code, data, dicionario, portugues

    В словаре дается 12 000 наиболее употребительных русских слов и словосочетаний с переводом на португальский язык. Словарь построен с учетом специфики...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,603
  8. Diccionario De Raizes e Cognatos da Lingua Portugueza

    Started by Kah, 01-07-2014 07:45 AM
    code, data, diccionario, lingua, par, portugues

    Dicionario etimologico que estuda a formacao do lexico Portugues a partir de suas raizes Gregas e Latinas Download PDF in RAR 67.51 Mb...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,031
  9. Espanol-Portugués - guia practica de conversacion

    Started by Kah, 01-01-2014 08:52 PM
    code, con, conversacion, data, del, diccionario, english, english-spanish, espanol, extra, extranjera, facil, frases, guia, hotel, idiomas, inglés, lengua, lengua extranjera, los, para, práctica, pre, spanish, tes

    La guia bilingue que da respuesta a los problemas especificos del viajero. El mejor companero de viaje, un método practico y sencillo para...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 3,925
  10. Grammatica pratica del portoghese dalla A alla Z

    Started by Kah, 12-30-2013 06:53 PM
    cinque, code, data, del, gramma, grammatica, illustrate, italia, italiane, italiano, lingua, opera, pro, pronomi

    Testo di consultazione che raccoglie tutte le difficoltà della grammatica portoghese, classificate in ordine alfabetico. Contiene cinque tipi di...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,810
  11. Brazilian Portuguese - Survival Phrases (audio + lesson notes)

    Started by Kah, 12-24-2013 07:17 AM
    audio, basic, book, builder, code, cultural, effective, for you, grammar, how to, insight, languages, learn, lesson, lessons, master, professional, series, short, speaking, teachers, the language, vocabulary, words, world

    Preparing for a trip to Brazil or another Portuguese speaking country? The Survival Phrases series is designed to provide world travelers with...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,450
  12. Португальский разговорник и словарь (Portuguese Phrasebook

    Started by Kah, 12-18-2013 10:29 AM
    #109, #110, разговорник, языка, (book + audio), 100, 1086, audio, audio), book + audio, book + audio), code, data, dictionary, phrasebook, portuguese

    Разговорник предназначен как для тех, кто не знает португальского языка, так и для тех, кто умеет читать и посать по-португальски, но не владеет...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,174
  13. Minimalist Inquiries into Child and Adult Language Acquisition: Case Studies Across Portuguese

    Started by Kah, 12-09-2013 10:59 AM
    500, adult, book, brazilian, case study, change, child, code, collection, current, data, experimental, exploring, language, linguistics, perspectives, portuguese, pragmatics, present, research, second language, studies, study, syntax, volume

    The volume is a collection of original articles that present new research on first and second language acquisition from the perspective of current...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 3,208
  14. Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language: 8th International Conference, PROPOR 2008 Aveiro, Portugal, September 8-10, 2008

    Started by Kah, 12-09-2013 10:46 AM
    2008, 8th, analysis, anaphora, applications, applied, book, code, data, full, international, language, learning, natural language, papers, portuguese, proceedings, processing, revised, semantics, september, short, speech, tools, workshop

    This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language,...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,402
  15. Wat & Hoe - Taalgids Portugees

    Started by Kah, 12-01-2013 08:17 AM
    154, als, arts, café, code, data, moderne, teks, van

    Deze nieuwe editie van de vertrouwde Wat & Hoe Portugees is in samenwerking met Van Dale Lexicografie weer flink verbeterd. De hele tekst in...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,505
  16. Manual de analise léxica e sintaxica

    Started by Kah, 11-26-2013 06:30 PM
    code, data, lingua, manual, par, portuguesa

    Obra densa. Trata de morfologia, sintaxe e analise da lingua Portuguesa. Particularmente extensa no estudo da etimologia. Listas completas de...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 941
  17. A Origem da Linguagem

    Started by Kah, 11-05-2013 02:06 PM
    code, como, das, data, dom, historia, livro, mas, sobre, tempo

    O livro apresenta elementos como o pensamento da fala, o método gramatical, a cruz da realidade, a preocupaçao com o tempo, o ataque ao penso, logo...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,294
  18. Le Bresilien Tout de Suite (book only)

    Started by Kah, 10-27-2013 01:19 PM
    amazon, apprentissage, book, code, dans, exprimer, images, ins, instant, les, only), par, pour, pratique, sans, tes, tou, tout, une, vos

    Pour aborder rapidement le brésilien Vous voulez vous exprimer en portuguais du Brésil tout de suite, sans vous investir dans un apprentissage de...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,317
  19. Minimal Answers - Ellipsis, syntax and discourse in the acquisition of European Portuguese

    Started by Kah, 10-23-2013 07:56 AM
    access, acquisition, analysis, answers, book, children, code, comprehension, data, debate, discourse, early, european, focus, hey, interpretations, portuguese, problems, production, questions, star, strategy, syntax, the syntax, understand

    This book offers a new contribution to the debate concerning the acquisition of the syntax-discourse interface. It provides evidence that children...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,456
  20. iSpeak Portuguese Phrasebook

    Started by saada_72, 10-20-2013 08:15 AM
    code, data, in your, pdf, phrasebook, phrases, pocket, portable, portuguese, translator, turn

    iSpeak Portuguese Phrasebook See it. Hear it. Speak it. Turn your iPod into a portable translator, and put more than 1,200 Portuguese phrases...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 3,469

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