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Threads 1 to 20 of 215


Here you will find all you need to study or teach Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Faroese, Finnish and Icelandic

Threads in this forum
  1. Finnish-Estonian-Russian phrasebook

    Started by Kah, 03-24-2014 08:47 AM
    code, data, finnish, language, phrasebook, russia, russian

    A three-language phrasebook: Finnish - Estonian - Russian. 655 pages. Download DJVU in RAR 15.48 Mb

    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 6,150
  2. In-Flight Swedish: Learn Before You Land

    Started by honhungoc, 12-04-2010 01:03 AM
    business, checking, directions, download, essentials, going to, in-flight, language, learn, learning, make, mas, master, meeting, minute, mp3, pass, people, perfect, polite, program, situation, swedish, time, traveler

    Re uploaded by DE on 14-Apr-20 Living Language In-Flight Swedish is the perfect boarding pass to learning Swedish before you land. There's no...

    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 7,336
  3. Teach Yourself - Get Talking Swedish Audio Course

    Started by Monty, 08-12-2013 05:56 PM
    audio, beginner, code, common, communicate, computer, culture, days, english, fun, interactive, language, learners, method, perfect, practice, pronunciation, role, skills, speaking, swedish, teach, the language, words, years

    Re uploaded by DE on 14-Apr-20 When traveling, do you want to... journey off the English-speaking path? meet people and communicate easily? avoid...

    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 4,957
  4. Post Rosetta Stone v.3.4.5 Swedish level 1-3

    Started by miaow, 03-13-2013 11:29 PM
    (british), 100, british, code, english, fun, immersion, language, learning, life, making, multiple, patterns, practical, program, rosetta, rosetta stone, simple, stone, swedish, teach, tech, the language, writing, writing a

    Re uploaded by DE on 11-Apr-20 Rosetta Stone - the best program for learning the language at home. This technique allows you to teach you how in...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,474
  5. Nya Mal 1 (Larobok, Ovningsbok and Audio)

    Started by Kah, 09-22-2013 04:02 PM
    154, amazon, audio, audio), beginners, book, code, con, edition, images, mal, mp3, swedish, textbook

    Re uploaded by DE on 11-Apr-20 A beginners Swedish course, an earlier edition of the mal 1 textbook. The archive contains the Larobok,...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 6,631
  6. Hugo's Norwegian In Three Months

    Started by ayruan, 09-22-2011 03:55 AM
    100, audio, audio + pdf, book, context, data, drills, easy, essential, exercises, give, grammar, guide, hugo, mon, months, norwegian, pro, pronunciation, short, text, working, year

    Re uploaded by DE on 08-Sep-19 This text has been designed to give a working knowledge of Norwegian in three months. It simply explains essential...

    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 6,107
  7. Lattasta korkortsboken (book + audio)

    Started by Kah, 06-03-2014 07:58 AM
    (book, (book + audio), audio, audio), book, book + audio, book + audio), code, computer, data, easy, exam, for foreigners, foreigners, language, listening, mas, mp3, player, prepare, support, swedish, theoretical, written

    The book is a theoretical course to prepare for the exam to get a Swedish driver's license. Intended primarily for foreigners, who have not yet fully...

    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 18,965
  8. Rivstart B1 + B2 Textbok med audio

    Started by honhungoc, 11-06-2011 11:50 AM
    2007, art, audio, beginner, beginner's, course in, data, file, foreign, language, language learners, learners, mp3, par, pdf, side, swedish

    Rivstart B1 + B2 Textbok med audio A flying start is a monolingual beginner's course in Swedish as a foreign language and is intended for language...

    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 34,328
  9. Le Suédois Sans Peine Tome 1 + 2 (book + audio)

    Started by Kah, 02-15-2014 07:07 PM
    (book + audio), 100, apprendre, audio, audio), avec, book, book + audio), code, data, des, exprimer, français, langue, les, méthode, nous, peine, sans, simple, tome, tous, une, vie, vous

    Re uploaded by DE on 03-Jan-19 Comparé au français, le suédois est une langue plutôt simple aux sonorités séduisantes. La confiance, principe...

    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 19,185
  10. Colloquial Danish - The Complete Course for Beginners (audio + pdf)

    Started by ayruan, 04-20-2011 04:48 PM
    approach, audio, audio + pdf, beginners, book, colloquial, communicate, complete, complete course, everyday, language, listening, material, pronunciation, situations, speakers, spoken, step, study, teachers, the complete, the language

    ReUploaded by arcadius 18.09.2018 Colloquial Danish-The Complete Course for Beginners (audio + PDF) Specially written by experienced teachers...

    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 12,265
  11. Swedish Basic Course (book + audio)

    Started by Kah, 08-27-2013 11:35 AM
    101, audio, audio), basic, book, century, code, education, grammar, hey, individual, island, language, languages, lexical, making, norwegian, past, social, speakers, spoken, stress, swedish, the language, vocabulary

    Re uploaded by DE on 31-Aug-18 Swedish is a North Germanic language spoken predominantly in Sweden, part of Finland, and on the autonomous island...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 3,499
  12. Suomen kielen sanastoharjoituksia

    Started by deutsch3000, 06-09-2018 12:50 PM

    Suomen kielen sanastoharjoituksia tarjoaa runsaasti sekä sisällöltään että rakenteeltaan monipuolisia tehtäviä, joiden parissa kielenoppija voi...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 5,690
  13. Kielenkayton opas

    Started by deutsch3000, 06-09-2018 12:46 PM

    Kielenkäytön opas on asiasuomen käytön ohjekirja. Se sopii kurssi- ja käsikirjaksi eri alojen opiskelijoille ja kenelle tahansa, joka haluaa...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 6,199
  14. Danish Course Handbook. Explanatory Notes Vocabularies

    Started by deutsch3000, 06-04-2018 10:23 PM

    A course of Danish for beginners, prepared by specialists of the London Language Institute. PDF,MP3/61 MB

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,918
  15. Dansk start - dansk for udenlandske studerende

    Started by deutsch3000, 06-04-2018 10:14 PM

    Dansk start (til DU3, modul 1) er udviklet med særligt henblik på højtuddannede kursister, fx ingeniører og andre, som har gode...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,801
  16. Elementaer Dansk Grammatik

    Started by deutsch3000, 06-04-2018 10:06 PM

    Forord. Indholdsoversigt. Indledning. Grammatikkens Formaal. Skriftsprog og Rigsmaal. Fremmedsprog og Almengrammatik. Kendskab til Modersmaalet....

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,727
  17. Post Languages Fast and Easy: Norwegian

    Started by miaow, 11-04-2014 04:02 AM
    500, 500 words, a comprehensive, basic, center, code, comprehensive, easy, edition, english, fas, fast, languages, norwegian, pdf, phrasebook, view, vocabulary, words

    Re uploaded by DE on 26-May-18 This edition includes a comprehensive phrasebook. Basic vocabulary of Norwegian covering about 500 words. ...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 4,868
  18. Colloquial Norwegian - A Complete Language Course [audio + book]

    Started by ayruan, 05-01-2011 01:03 PM
    100, a complete, audio, audio + pdf, book, colloquial, complete, data, easy, glossaries, gramma, grammatical, guide, guide to, introducing, key, language, lessons, mai, norwegian, par, review, series, short

    ReUploaded by arcadius 09.04.2018 Colloquial Norwegian contains 20 lessons, each introducing about 100 new words. Each lesson is built around a...

    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 7,168
  19. Bli bekant med Sverige

    Started by Kah, 08-16-2013 09:57 PM
    anecdotes, book, cities, code, contemporary, culture, data, education, formation, fun, funny, guide, history, literary, overview, past, people, stories, structure, students, swedish, teachers, textbook, today, works

    The book is a textbook for students of Swedish. It also will greatly assist teachers Swedish. The guide provides information about the geography,...

    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 7,974
  20. Rivstart A1 + A2 (Textbok + Ovningsbok + Audio)

    Started by Kah, 02-11-2014 08:02 AM
    amazon, art, audio, audio), code, course in, foreign, foreign language, images, introductory, language, material, par, rapid, side, studen, students, swedish, teks, university

    Re uploaded by DE on 01-NOV-17 Rivstart A1 + A2 is the first part of an introductory course in Swedish as a foreign language. The material has a...

    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 26,114

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