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Threads 21 to 40 of 169


Threads in this forum
  1. A Practical Guide for Translators (Fifth Edition) 2010

    Started by honhungoc, 12-01-2010 05:44 AM
    100, 101, 2010, brown, download, edition, for translators, guide, link, pdf, practical, practical guide, successful, translation, updated, views

    Link by arcadius added 17.11.2015 Latest edition of the successful best-seller that views commercial translation from the translator’s and...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,615
  2. Lightbulb The Translation Studies Reader.

    Started by Academy Girl, 10-03-2009 04:31 PM
    2000, century, collection, color, context, data, essay, fast, focus, historical, par, pas, past, reader, readings, social, studies, suggestions, text, the future, thematic, thirty, translation, twentieth, years

    ReUploaded by arcadius 17.11.2015 This definitive collection is the first comprehensive reader on the fast-growing field of translation studies....

    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 4,275
  3. Translation Today: Trends and Perspectives

    Started by dovesnake, 04-03-2009 12:24 AM
    assessment, audio, beginning, changing, color, develop, discussions, download, english, issues, lingua, link, paper, par, perspective, perspectives, studies, text, today, topics, translation, trends, visual, work, world

    Link by arcadius added-17.11.2015 Translation Today: Trends and Perspectives This text provides a snapshot of issues reflecting the changing...

    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 6,152
  4. Translation, Linguistics, Culture

    Started by Lee_Rain, 03-16-2010 06:38 AM
    analysis, approach, approach to, color, completes, cultural, culture, download, english, framework, french, handbook, issues, language, linguistics, role, sentence, strategies, text, theoretical, theories, translation, translator

    ReUploaded by arcadius 17.11.2015 Translation, Linguistics, Culture: A French-English Handbook This book takes a linguistic approach to...

    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 3,140
  5. The Theory and the Practice of Translation

    Started by Kah, 07-06-2012 06:23 AM
    2000, a companion, art, communicating, companion, cultures, focus, heory, history, issues, languages, literary, practice, procedures, processes, rapidshare, science, set, structures, study, subject, textual, theory, translation, work

    Re uploaded by DE on 16-NOV-15 "The Theory and Practice of Translation", first published in 1982 and a companion work to "Toward a Science of...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,232
  6. New Perspectives in Language, Discourse and Translation Studies

    Started by honhungoc, 08-26-2011 02:56 AM
    analysis, book, collection, current, data, discourse, file, historical, innovative, language, learning, linguistics, morphology, perspectives, phonetics, phonology, pragmatics, reference, second language, students, studies, syntax, teaching, translation, volume

    Re uploaded by DE on 16-NOV-15 The current volume is a collection of papers representing the most recent developments in linguistics, specifically...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,175
  7. Interpretation: Techniques and Exercises (Professional Interpreting in the Real World)

    Started by Monty, 05-29-2011 12:34 AM
    a practical, art, book, business, exercises, guide, international, interpreting, mai, main, overview, par, practical, practical guide, professional, programmes, real, set, studen, students, tech, techniques, techniques and, training, world

    Re uploaded by DE on 16-NOV-15 This book provides a structured syllabus and an overview of interpretation accompanied by exercises in the main...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,473
  8. Thinking Translation: A Course in Translation Method

    Started by honhungoc, 08-18-2010 09:00 AM
    a course in, and practical, best way, course in, data, develop, discussion, english, french, journalism, king, making, method, poetry, practical, problem, problems, proficiency, scientific, skills, students, tech, technical, theater, translation

    Re uploaded by DE on 16-NOV-15 The authors show that the best way to develop proficiency in translating is by making students aware of the nature...

    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 3,390
  9. Why Translation Matters

    Started by Kah, 08-23-2012 06:52 AM
    addition, as the, books, code, creativity, edge, english, give, literature, major, pdf, poe, poetry, professional, rapidshare, renaissance, role, series, spanish, text, today, translation, working, works, written

    Re uploaded by DE on 15-NOV-15 WHY TRANSLATION MATTERS is a superb book, exceedingly rich for its 119 pages of text. Basically, it is a passionate...

    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,636
  10. Getting Started - A Newcomer's Guide to Translation and Interpretation

    Started by Kah, 07-31-2012 07:33 PM
    america, american, articles, booklet, code, compilation, guide, guide to, images, newcomer, rapidshare, star, straightforward, translation

    Re uploaded by DE on 15-NOV-15 The American Translators Association offers a booklet entitled Getting Started: A Newcomer's Guide to Translation...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,745
  11. Theatrical Translation and Film Adaptation

    Started by Kah, 07-12-2012 07:45 AM
    adaptation, and film, as the, bilingual, book, choice, film, insights, movie, plays, rapidshare, study, theatre, translation

    Re uploaded by DE on 15-NOV-15 Translation and film adaptation of theatre have received little study. In filling that gap, this book draws on the...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,379
  12. Technical Translation - Usability Strategies for Translating Technical Documentation

    Started by Kah, 10-21-2012 04:45 PM
    code, cognitive, cognitive psychology, communication, engineering, how to, improve, introduction, introduction to, learn, makes, methods, pdf, practical, practice, psychology, quality, rapidshare, research, strategies, study, tech, technical, theories, translation

    Re uploaded by DE on 15-NOV-15 This introduction to technical translation and usability draws on a broad range of research and makes the topic...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,462
  13. Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training, Revised edition

    Started by Kah, 10-22-2012 05:12 PM
    an introduction, basic, book, code, cognition, cognitive, communication, discussion, edition, errors, international, introduction, issues, language, literature, principles, professional, psychology, rapidshare, research, strategies, studies, training, translation, understand

    Re uploaded by DE on 14-NOV-15 Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training is a systematically corrected, enhanced and...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,291
  14. Testing and Assessment in Translation and Interpreting Studies - A call for dialogue between research and practice

    Started by Kah, 10-21-2012 06:38 PM
    assessment, code, collection, dialogue, discussion, essential, integration, issues, languages, methods, overview, perspectives, practice, process, processes, professional, program, rapidshare, research, set, studies, testing, translation, translator, university

    Re uploaded by DE on 14-NOV-15 Testing and Assessment in Translation and Interpreting Studies examines issues of measurement that are essential to...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,144
  15. Self-Preservation in Simultaneous Interpreting Surviving the role

    Started by Kah, 10-21-2012 06:29 PM
    account, act, arts, bei, code, environment, face, mai, make, move, nature, objective, primary, problems, profession, rapidshare, role, set, side, star, starting, state, survival, system, volume

    Re uploaded by DE on 14-NOV-15 The image of the tightrope walker illustrates the interpreter s balancing act. Compelled to move forward at a pace...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,504
  16. Fundamental Aspects of Interpreter Education - Curriculum and Assessment

    Started by Kah, 10-21-2012 10:10 PM
    and practical, assessment, based, books, code, concepts, data, discussion, edge, education, examinations, exploring, industry, interaction, language, literature, model, practical, program, rapidshare, studies, testing, theory, translation, volume

    Re uploaded by DE on 14-NOV-15 The author offers an overview of the Interpreting Studies literature on curriculum and assessment. A discussion of...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,122
  17. Advances in Interpreting Research

    Started by Kah, 04-10-2013 09:54 AM
    collection, considerations, critical, essential, ideas, international, issues, king, language, men, passion, peterson, practical, process, reading, research, robert, spoken, stone, students, studies, study, theoretical, topics, volume

    Re uploaded by DE on 13-NOV-15 With the growing emphasis on scholarship in interpreting, this collection tackles issues critical to the inquiry...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,095
  18. Crossing Borders in Community Interpreting Definitions and Dilemmas

    Started by Kah, 10-24-2012 06:49 AM
    communication, dealing, debate, form, framework, individuals, interpreting, literature, pdf, questions, rapidshare, research, role, schools, set, social, social services, society, standards, terms, textual, theoretical, volume, western, world

    Re uploaded by DE on 13-NOV-15 At conferences and in the literature on community interpreting there is one burning issue that reappears...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,443
  19. Revisiting the Interpreters Role - A Study of Conference,Court,and Medical Interpreters in Canada,Mexico and the United States

    Started by Kah, 10-23-2012 05:44 PM
    book, business, canada, code, hey, implications, international, languages, medical, meetings, play, practice, professional, rapidshare, reader, role, schools, state, states, study, theory, time, united, words, work

    Re uploaded by DE on 13-NOV-15 Through the development of a valid and reliable instrument, this book sets out to study the role that interpreters...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,145
  20. Descriptive Translation Studies - and Beyond

    Started by Kah, 04-22-2013 08:02 AM
    100, applied, bei, book, book of, code, contexts, discipline, discussions, focus, heart, illustrated, mai, men, methodological, methods, objective, project, research, revised, step, studies, theoretical, translation, version

    Re uploaded by DE on 12-NOV-15 This is an expanded and slightly revised version of the book of the same title which caused quite a stir when it...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,367

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