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Threads 141 to 160 of 247


Aqui você vai encontrar tudo que você precisa para ensinar ou estudar a língua Português.

Threads in this forum
  1. O Peixinho e o Gato

    Started by rosalia, 04-17-2014 11:58 PM
    code, fan, gato, grande, historia, infantil, ler, literatura, pdf, peixinho, pois, portugues, vida

    O peixinho Vermelho, apos ser capturado por um pescador, se vê em uma grande luta pela vida, pois tem um tem um terrivel inimigo, o Sr. Gato. Nao...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,207
  2. O Misterio do Anel de Perola

    Started by rosalia, 04-17-2014 11:00 PM
    anel, code, como, con, infantil, literatura, mistério, pdf, pérola, portuguese

    Cloe ganhou um lindo pintinho que logo se tornou uma linda galinha que punha ovos de três gemas. Quando o anel de perola da irma de Cloe some, todas...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,188
  3. A Borboleta Azul

    Started by rosalia, 04-17-2014 10:48 PM
    azul, barboleta, code, con, das, dia, fan, fifi, historia, home, infantil, literatura, los, mon, mundo, numa, para, pdf, portuguesa

    A Borboleta Azul é uma pequena história infantil escrita por Lenira Almeida Heck e com belas ilustraçoes de Adriana Schnorr Dessoy, e que conta a...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,931
  4. Guia politicamente Incorreto da Historia do Brasil

    Started by Kah, 04-07-2014 08:47 AM
    brasil, code, con, das, data, guia, historia

    E hora de jogar tomates na historiografia politicamente correta. Este guia reune historias que vao diretamente contra ela. So erros das vitimas e dos...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,035
  5. Hugo's Portuguese simplified

    Started by Kah, 04-07-2014 08:45 AM
    amusing, clear, code, data, hugo, language, options, phrases, portuguese, presentation, reflect, simple, straightforward, the language, today

    Certainly out dated with all the options available today. Yet this simple, straightforward presentation of the language is clear and cogent. Phrases...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,569
  6. Bem-vindo! A Lingua Portuguesa No Mundo Da Comunicaçao (Livro Do Aluno + Audio)

    Started by rosalia, 05-14-2013 01:24 PM
    aluno, aprender, bem-vindo, code, como, comunicaçao, lingua, material, nivel, para, pdf, portuguesa, portuguese, rio

    Audio added March 20, 2014 thanks to rosalia and geekyteacher Bem-Vindo! e um material endereçado ao publico de jovens adultos e adultos de...

    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 7,771
  7. Subject Positions And Interfaces: The Case Of European Portuguese

    Started by Kah, 03-27-2014 11:12 AM
    analysis, architecture, argument, book, clause, code, data, early, european, functional, goal, great, languages, portuguese, primary, roma, romance, sentence, show, subject, the primary, verb, vos, word, work

    European Portuguese, like other Romance languages, display a great amount of word order variation. Out of the six logically possible permutations...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,431
  8. Mamiferos do Brasil

    Started by Kah, 03-27-2014 10:59 AM
    brasil, code, das, des, livro, mundo

    A diversidade de mamiferos no Brasil atinge numeros expressivos, sendo certamente uma das maiores do mundo. Deste modo, a intencao deste livro é...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,191
  9. Medizinisches Worterbuch / Diccionario de Medicina / Dicionario de termos médicos (Auflage: 3)

    Started by Kah, 03-27-2014 10:40 AM
    arz, auflage, code, das, data, der, des, deutsch, diccionario, dicionario, die, eine, für, grundwortschatz, medici, spanisch, sprache, sprachen, studen, studente, texte, und, vera, worterbuch

    In unveranderter 3. Auflage ist das bewahrte Medizinische Worterbuch Deutsch - Spanisch 'Portugiesisch wieder verfügbar. Es enthalt für jede Sprache...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,220
  10. A Actualidade em Português

    Started by Kah, 03-21-2014 07:32 AM
    alunos, code, como, data, escrito, fan, infantil, lexical, lingua, livro, nivel, oral, par, para, sobre, stress, temas, vocabulario, volver

    A Actualidade em Português é um livro constituido por textos da imprensa lusofona, cujos temas se debrucam sobre a actualidade. Este livro é composto...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,543
  11. Dicionario da Lingua Portuguesa

    Started by Kah, 03-17-2014 02:18 PM
    brasil, code, data, dicionario, lingua, para, portugues, portuguesa

    Dicionario Priberam da Lingua Portuguesa, edicao em portugues do Brasil para Kindle Download MOBI in RAR 6.27 Mb

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,320
  12. English to Portuguese Crossword Puzzles: Level 24

    Started by Kah, 03-17-2014 01:22 PM
    challenge, code, crossword, dictionary, english, folks, harder, help, hey, language, learning, learning english, level, level 2, line, love, make, minutes, online, portuguese, progress, puzzles, speakers, vocabulary, webster

    Even if you do not like traditional crossword puzzles, you will love these. Designed to help anyone learning Portuguese, or Portuguese speakers...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,513
  13. Computational processing of the Portuguese language : 9th international conference

    Started by Kah, 03-17-2014 01:10 PM
    2010, 8th, 9th, april, april 2010, book, brazil, carefully, code, data, formation, full, information, international, language, papers, portuguese, proceedings, processing, resources, revised, short, speech, text, workshop

    This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language,...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,310
  14. Portugues para Ensino Universitario 1 (book + audio)

    Started by Kah, 02-26-2014 07:35 AM
    (book, (book + audio), audio, audio), book, book + audio, book + audio), chinese, code, data, dialogue, exercises, grammar, lessons, par, para, portugues, portuguese, vocabulary

    Tutorial Portuguese. Consists of 14 lessons, each of which have a dialogue, grammar part, vocabulary and exercises. (Chinese -> Portuguese) ...

    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,585
  15. Practice Makes Perfect Basic Portuguese

    Started by Kah, 03-09-2014 01:26 PM
    basic, clear, code, companion, complete, concepts, exercises, experience, for you, fun, grammar, guides, learning, lesson, lessons, makes, minutes, perfect, portuguese, practice, practice makes, short, simple, vocabulary, works

    Master Portuguese grammar through hands-on exercises and practice, practice, practice! Practice Makes Perfect: Basic Portuguese is a trusted...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 3,711
  16. O Essencial sobre a Historia do Portugues

    Started by Kah, 03-03-2014 07:54 AM
    code, das, den, entre, historia, images, lingua, para, portugues, portuguesa, sobre, tempo

    O Essencial sobre a Historia do Português tem por objectivo descrever a formacao historica da lingua portuguesa: das origens latinas aos primeiros...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,792
  17. Portuguese A Linguistic Introduction

    Started by Kah, 03-03-2014 07:33 AM
    addition, book, code, development, facts, global, historical, introduction, introduction to, introduction to the, issues, keeping, language, phonology, plan, portuguese, pragmatics, semantics, social, structure, syntax, the language, theory, topics, world

    This accessible introduction to the linguistic structure of Portuguese looks at its social and historical background. In addition to covering the...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,394
  18. Portugues Basico Para Estrangeiros

    Started by Kah, 02-26-2014 06:56 AM
    basic, book, code, communication, compared, cultural, effective, english, french, grammar, language, learn, lessons, objective, professional, pronunciation, social, spanish, student, students, teach, teacher's, tech, topics, vocabulary

    The objective of this book is to teach the Portuguese language in a fast, interesting and efficient way. The lessons were conceived to gradually...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 3,623
  19. Formacao de palavras em portugues

    Started by Kah, 02-18-2014 07:01 AM
    code, data, lingua, portugues, portuguesa

    Processos gerais da formacao dos vocabulos em lingua portuguesa: a derivacao e a composicao. Download PDF in RAR 0.29 Mb...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 5,057
  20. Introducao à Literatura Fantastica Portuguese

    Started by Kah, 02-18-2014 06:52 AM
    code, das, data, den, entre, fan, fantastico, formas, literatura, livro, para, portugues, portuguese, sobre

    Mortos andando entre os vivos, monstros das mais variadas formas, arvores, pedras e animais que falam etc., sao uns dos eventos que nao pertencem à...

    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 7,535

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